Some of my Want and Need list. I know you guys would probably not care but~ I'm just reminding myself.
Mp3 / I Pod (Both need and Want) New Electric Guitar (Want)> New Acoustic Guitar (Want) Road Bike (Want) BMX (Want) Roller Blades (Want) Headphones with large Input and Output Slots (Need) New Amp (Need)[my current one sucks thats why] Rucksack (Need) Laptop Bag (Need) Drum Set (Want) Skateboards (Want) Punching Bag (Want)
I'll update, cuz my shopping list seem to be way longer than this~
26 July, 2008
This one for both Anime and Music.
Its kinda old, but dunno why am I so into it? (Guitar, Maybe~)
Kinda Country Much, There are some Rocks too. AND The singer's are Japanese, pretty good English i would say. Better than some of us I know.
one example of the rock ver~
16 July, 2008
One thing I'll always respect Korea for: Ranarok Online
Now i know why Ragnarok gives off a different feeling from other games.
Its the music, The music makes you feel like you yourself are experiencing it.
For example, The 'Title' for Ragnarok (Second music on my page) gives off a feel that you are in a -Prelude-, a Calm before the storm
Second, 'Morroc Theme' (First) gives you a sense of being in a dessert'
And Give this a listen, a verry -modern village kinda feel-
Unlike, say, FlyFF, almost everywhere you go, its the same thing, just a different place.
Cabal Online - Revolution of Action my ASS, Its mediacore, I've seen better stuff, and the music is undoubtedly the worst, its just the same music with a change in the instruments.
Maple - really, those not playing with a-Cash would barely keep up with the game.
Granado Espada, Yes, good graphics, Music is well done, gameplay average with all those mixed in 3D, not many would stay attracted.
To avverage off, Music and Background setting are the keypoint of keeping a game well maintained, well, all that by far is only IMO, so~~~ Wth
13 July, 2008
Had a date today, with a tourist.
Can't help but say I'm bein a good Samaritan because of her, doing things I'll barely do if i was alone.
Taking care of an old Canadian woman who injured her feet. Hearing her appreciation: 'Thank you for taking care of me, may god bless you in return.' Sure warms up my heart, by far almost no one says that nowadays. God, I'm loving you again.
Then on the way back on the tram, gave up my seat to an Elderly too. well, gotta say, i admit that she said thanks, but its from the heart, it was real, from the bottom of the heart.
Wooh loved today.
12 July, 2008
Another "angelic" songs I like.
Hmm... I was thinking... but... nevermind~
07 July, 2008
(3RD UPDATE!!)First of all, for some of you anime Freaks out there, like me, i found this anime updates, pretty col actually, me for once, am waiting for Bat Man and Blade of the Immortal its gonna be some of the best anime I bet.
Update! : Sekirei is OUT, ITS HAREM, ITS ECCHI, - Its only one step unecchi-er than the manga. The HAREM and ECCHI is a must watch, The action Ranks low in the must watch list.
Update! : [Zero no Tsukaima: Princess no Rondo] Is out! Its the Third Season of Zero no Tsukaima make sure you watch the first few to know what's happenin!
06 July, 2008
This one's for the guys.
Sekirei manga Kiss X Sis, For you loosers who got sister complex. beware this manga has loads of Ecchi inside (not hentai, so don't worry) its WMM. Only those close to me know what's WMM. lol good luck If you guys don' even like Ecchi, Harem or this kind of stuff, you guys fail as human males.
03 July, 2008
Sidecars? Fell in love with them after looking at some of these:
Beaute if you asked me, Id love to be the driver and the passenger for this once.
畛開 茂水省父!!! Lol thats what i got trying to say What the fuck!!!
02 July, 2008
Oh. Singaporeans don't hate me for what I'm gonna post now.
I just remembered why and what I hated so much about most Singaporeans.
They tend to show off too much, even in the wrong places, wrong category.
Sure most of us are bubbly, outgoing and fun to be out with but the problems comes here in the mids of comparison, you people tend to be so proud of yourselves and will never admit defeat.
Some stupid conversations i made up, but its kinda true for us:
AAA: See this one, my father buy for me, nice right?
BBB: Aiya like that only no cake la! See this one, Got this function got that function!
AAA: (This comes WAAAAAAAAY to early) Fuck Off La! I say mine better means mind better Right!
BBB: ...................(You get the whole point, I'm sure most of us here experienced that before)
Oh I'd like to make my quote too.
War is delightful to those who have had no experience of it.
Those who had no experience of it found it delightful Francis Calvin Singapore student, Otaku, & an Ass (1992 - ????)
Can't we be more humble? Like gentlemen and try to be Humble for once?? I'd bet my life on it that Singapore won't make it.
Oh I Just remembered what i thought of long fringed guys
few of them are -
. act cool . looking for a girl friend, just hoping that girls will hit on them . emo . Ah Bheng (If they treid to make too much attention in public... or anywhere else.) (You know you've seen an ah bheng even if you're a tourist here) ( and not all are fringed)
Francis Encyclopedia of Ah Bhengs :
- Overly Proud. - Swings arm like an orang utan - Act cool infront of their image of beautiful girls and Bheng-mates - Scared of human - must fight with gang member if not will die - Not 100% human - Old fashioned (they like tapered lowerbody wear evn tho not much wears them nowadays) - They learn the art of Bheng-d0, Muay Bheng, Karabheng, Akibheng, Bhengjutsu. - 100% Vulgarities will come out if you tried fighting them off with words.
I'm gonna get flamed for this, but who cares, heck i'm not
I'm ready for the concequences.
Shall Folks~
01 July, 2008
These are some song i would like to call "Heavenly" Warms up your heart actually, well, for me at least. I love these kind of songs, makes me flutter.
OP of Ah! My Goddess Season 1
I haven't watch season 2 yet, so i Wont post it until I listen to it myself.
Ar Tonelico, it's a PS2 Game.
Strangely enough, Ar Tonelico's Songs, or What i prefer to call 'Hymn' Isn't 100% Japanese, they used some tribal languages and Ancient Japanese Wordings.
Oh, and You can find loads of their Hymns in Youtube, so as you know~
So when you listen to it It isn't really godly but... mor like Classic Tribal Songs, something like what happens when Heaven makes contact with earth.
Like this
OK, While I'm at it, if you want to contact me, do it at my blogs Tagboard, I'll read it everynight before i sleep (I sounded like a fairy but... meh~) That's all Folks!