30 August, 2008
29 August, 2008
Lol Today was Awesome, gotta say our performance beats usual school bands trying to perform their own covers.
Well, we're still far a way from going 'pro' at this moment, cuz yeah, like most feed backs,
'Drums were too loud'
'Singer was sometimes out of tune'
'Singer screams too much'
'2nd Singer didn't sing loud enough'
'Francis' guitar was too soft'
but in the end.
'That was a Great performance dude!' 'Thumbs up'
I'm still far way from being a pro lead guitarist too, and somehow loads of thanks to Jared to influence me with loads of music, Steven for being my first Role model for playing teh guitar.
Teacher's who also supported our band, Mrs Tay and Band for being able to lend us the drum sets.
Shaun and guys for allowing me to perform with them (tho i didn't make much an impact) i still got my first live lol.
Somehow thank all the people of the world who influenced me to music, now, getting guitar lessons till grade 5 then i wanna take piano lessons, chords are just fine
24 August, 2008
Tear jerking seriously, one of the most serious post i made by far.
Don't ever commit suicide, like the old geezer said, you're not supposed to get buried by your parents, you are supposed to bury them.
'The last thing he told me was: I have a fine time with grandma mum, and I see you on Monday. And I'll be waiting for Monday for the rest of my life' - last words, do you really wanna say them?
21 August, 2008
Naruto shits. No offence, but found this interesting,

I'm not insulting naruto and all, but long fillers are just the worst kind of thing you want to be in.
On a side note, i do hate Naruto, I don't hate the fans, I hate the anime lol, well, mostly because their storyline sucks, filler madness(just like bleach, but bleach fever is already dying, yes, cuz their fillers are hell lot boring than naruto now).
this kind of thing leads to unnesscacry attraction, please naruto fanboys, keep you love for it within yourself.
14 August, 2008
Looking at woman's breast, is healthy for guys.
Masturbation (Both sexes) help decrease the chance of getting some weird cancer
LAST, 92 percent of men and 62 percent of women reported that they had masturbated.
don't be shy okay?
so if you are not in that 92percent for guys, and not in the 62 percent for girls, you guys might try reconsidering.
Don't be shy talking bout sex to the opposite / equal gender:
talking about sex can also be awkward, so shyness, as you mentioned in your question, may be another, though lesser, factor. It doesn't have to be this way. Masturbation is a healthy and natural part of sexuality. It enables people to learn about their own bodies and genitals as well as to recognize and develop their sexual responses or orgasms. It also helps to foster communication in intimate relationships by making it easier for partners to identify and express what feels good physically and sexually for them and to each other. Candid discussions about sexuality and sexual pleasure can help free women (and men) from the historically negative influences that have bound and prevented some women (and some men) from discovering, exploring, and enjoying their sexual selves. These conversations can make it easier to break the taboos and myths about masturbatio
The case was posted in Ask Yahoo: A happily married dude discovers that his wife was previously a porn star. He made the discovery when he noticed his wife in an adult DVD that his friend owns.
Source and translation is from Sankaku Complex.
As expected a very decent answer was chosen by the asker:
“If you really must check, then it would absolutely be best to ask her directly. Asking her friends, why it’s almost as though you don’t trust her.”
“But, if you really do love your wife, I think if you kept quiet about the fact you knew, in spite of knowing, that would make you a very manly, splendid husband to her.”
These this kind of stuff cannot escape the creative minds of our friends in 2ch and they also offered their own set of advise:
“If she did any scat, she’s out”.
“Reading the selected answer just makes me want to puke”.
“Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable”.
“Usually you divorce. Seriously”.
“That’s all the more hot!”
“If it’s true then she’s just second hand goods”.
“How the hell can he trust her now, just split up already!”
“What’s wrong with her, thinking she can just marry as if nothing happened…”
“If she just kept quiet about it and married him then she’s the worst kind of woman, eh?”
“Well, I might be able to let a spot of delivery health pass, but AV is a bit much. It’s on the net after all…”
“What a little man. Who cares about her past…”
“Anyway, tell us the name of the damn video already!”
“My girlfriend performs in eroge, but I don’t say anything and I love her”.
“If there weren’t any kids it’d be an insta-divorce”.
“Why on earth did such a pompous and high and mighty answer get selected as best…”
“Are they really your kids?”
“This guy’s definitely being cheated on, eh?”
“If it was a shotgun marriage just to cover up for getting her pregnant, then he’s reaping what he’s sown.”
“With so many upright women in the world, the first thing he should do is get rid of this wretched one”.
“Husband: You’ve been in an AV then?
Wife: Eh? What are you talking about?
Husband: Here, look at this.
Wife: … Wow, look at that, amazing, she looks just like me”.
Husband: And this mole is?
Wife: … What? There’s a problem with having been in an AV? I don’t get you at all!”
“2D is the best after all”. -- WIN!
“I’m interested in what the reaction would be if she were to come in on you whilst you were masturbating to the DVD…”
“First, get the DVD signed”.
“If this were an ero-manga she’d be chasing after her son’s friends for sex…”
Some beautifully answered question.~
04 August, 2008
The thumb is a phallic digit. It represents judgment and power. It is aligned with the planet Venus.
Index Finger
The index finger, or pointer finger, controls speech. It is the finger of teachers and clears the way through nonsense. It is aligned with Jupiter.
Middle Finger
The middle finger symbolizes self-assurance and sexual desire. It is aligned with Saturn.
Ring Finger
The ring finger symbolizes love. It was once believed that a vein started in the ring finger and went straight to the heart. It is aligned with Sol, the sun.
Little Finger
The little finger may seem like the weakest finger on the hand but it may very well be one of the most powerful fingers. The little finger is the oracular finger. It represents occult powers and is used in divination. It is aligned with Mercury.
Doughnut rings, yeah i know, I want a box full of em'...
Wearing a ring on your thumb represents your parents.
Wearing a ring on your pointer finger represents your siblings.
Wearing a ring on your center finger represents yourself.
Wearing a ring on your fourth finger represents your partner.
Wearing a ring on your pinky finger represents your children.
The Thumb: Willpower
Points to the self in a moment of personal pride, that closes over a fist when personally attacked. It is associated with the total self … the thumb represents the self…
A person who consistently keeps the thumb well separated from the rest of the fingers is a person who insists upon freedom of thought and action. This person values independence and the more prominently the thumbs are displayed, the more important is the sense of freedom at that moment.
The Index Finger: Authority
This is the finger that wags in disapproval, that gestures informed or stubborn expertise, that indicates silent direction and commands. It is associated with leadership and ambition. It is rather interesting to note those fashion seekers who wear rings on their index fingers.
The Middle Finger: Identity
This is the finger most often used in obscene gesturing when one wishes to express an offense to personal dignity. This seems to be the finger with the most strength and balance, rooted firmly in the center of the hand. It is associated with our role in life, practicality, and the regulation of the foundations and limits of self. This finger announces “I am” and governs the way we see ourselves, our potentials, and our limitations.
A ring on this finger can announce that the person is unsure of personal roles or a place in society.
The Ring Finger: Creativity
Associated with affections, optimism, and artistic appreciation…This finger governs the potential of the shared self - what a person creates for self and for others as well as the legacies left after passing on. Such creativity extends to physical creation as well as material and mental creation.
The ring finger on the left hand is the only one with a direct connection to the heart. It is therefore more than coincidence that this became the finger that we restrict with a band at the marriage ceremony. It is a self-imposed restriction of the subconscious desires to share the self with others. A wedding, friendship, or engagement ring announces that the person’s creative fantasies are limited to the donor of that ring.
The Little Finger: Relationships
This finger expresses man’s attitudes toward personal and sexual relationships. It is associated with rewards, both on a personal and materialistic level. A wide space would indicate freedom and independence of action in relationships with people and in all money-making endeavors. A more closed position would indicate that the person is less free with confidence, attentions, or speculations in finances. This finger indicates the person’s confidence in dealing with money - especially the ability to attract money through other people. The little finger also relates a person’s attitude about sexuality and relationships with the opposite sex.
To wear a ring on the little finger might announce an insecurity in relationships with people, perhaps even a sexual insecurity.
02 August, 2008
Boy and Girl

What a Girl tells her Boy :
"Please do something about your room. I mean, come on!
Its filthy! You and me need a talk. Now.
Your stuff is all over the place. Even on the floor!
And if you absolutely refuse to tidy up right now,
You'll have no clothes to wear for the next week!"
What the Boy hears from his Girl:
"yak yak yak yak yak Come on!
blah blah blah You and me blah blah
nag nag nag nag nag On the floor!
blah blah blah blah Right now,
nag nag nag nag No clothes blah blah!
01 August, 2008
Boy complains Nurse molest him
Case 1. The guy is Seriously gay,
Case 2. or the Nurse is that damn an ugly fat bitch.
If it was case no 1, damn, that guy fails as a human male.
(Gen o~)