I've recently played COD4, and i found some pretty neat quotes.
"Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind."
-John F. Kennedy
"If the enemy is in range, so are you."
-Infantry Journal
"Aim towards the Enemy."
-Instruction printed on US Rocket Launcher
"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle!"
-General John J. Pershing
"War is delightful to those who have not yet experienced it."
"Diplomats are just as essential in starting a war as soldiers are for
finishing it."
-Will Rogers
"Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die."
-Herbert Hoover
"Freedom is not free, but the U.S. Marine Corps will pay most of your share."
-Ned Dolan
"Five second fuses only last three seconds."
-Infantry Journal
"If your attack is going too well, you're walking into an ambush."
-Infantry Journal
"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend."
-U.S. Army Training Notice
"There are only two kinds of people that understand Marines: Marines and the
enemy. Everyone else has a second-hand opinion."
-General William Thornson
"The more marines I have around, the better I like it."
-General Clark, U.S. Army
"Heroes may not be braver than anyone else. They're just brave five minutes
-Ronald Reagan
"Some people live an entire lifetime and wonder if they have ever made a
difference in the world, but the Marines don't have that problem."
-Ronald Reagan
"If at first you don't succeed, call an air strike."
"Tracers work both ways."
-U.S. Army Ordinance
"You cant say civilization dont advance - for in every war, they kill you in a
new way."
-Will Rogers
"Anyone, who truly wants to go to war, has truly never been there before!"
-Larry Reeves
"Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart. Whoever wants it back has
no brain."
-Vladimir Putin (I lol'ed at this one)
"Cluster bombing from B-52s are very, very, accurate. The bombs are guaranteed
to always hit the ground."
-USAF Ammo Troop
"If a man has done his best, what else is there?"
-General George S. Patton
"Every tyrant who has lived has believed in freedom - for himself."
-Elbert Hubbard
There were a total of 80 quotes, but yeah, these are the ones that caught me attention. for others go to
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