31 October, 2007
30 October, 2007
Stuck here
Well, gonna stuck in this skin for a while, untill I find a more... "emo" skin.
Went to 'Mini West Coast' just now, well, its Tiong Bahru actually well, before all that, I was at home... lifelessly waiting for something big to happen you know, like "BOOM" lolz, anyways, Zhansoon smsed me he said he's walking around aimlessly, then he said he's going to Tiong, well, obviously, me, with nothing better to do, wanted to come along. So I asked james whether is he free or not, well, then yada yada yada, James there is like me down at the house with nothing better to do, so he followed. But before I went there, I have to go cut my hair.
I went to the Barber, and the person there who cuts my hair was like... Zoomin here and there, as a result, my hair sucks so bad now... Argh cruel, cruel world this is... while Zhansoon and James was like at Tiong waiting for me... and guess they pestered me quite sometimes too. Well, Here's the irony I was the one who wanted to go out and have fun, but in the end, ended up as the one having the least fun... But nonetheless, I won in 2 racing games, Daytona 2, againts Zhansoon, and Starwars space thingy, againts James.
Then went to took a lil' stroll around Tiong, met Cally, Miao Leng and Hui Si in Tiong, looks like they went shopping for books or something, then they window shop around the DVD store.
After tiong, went to the 'Mini West Coast', got myself some cuts on my feet because of the sand there... (ouch).
Then went home=.= (Brief I know)
[PS: sorry sis, makin you cry... now I know how much you care...]
Cheers guys~
Some overall thing...
Okay guys... It has been confirmed that i will be leaving BMSS and BMNCC at that...
I'll miss all of you guys, the fight, the laughter, well, almost anything.
Well, anyways, this one's not a real post, just did this out of boredom, and its still in the morning, GMT+8
Haha... uhz...
There's alot of thing in my mind right now you know?
But surprisingly, none of few of them are about me being kicked out or how to find a new school, but these thoughts do adds up, because of these, I'm afraid I wont be seeing my friends forever, I'm afraid of being sent back to Indonesia.
I don't know how am I supposed to feel right now, you know?
I feel like eating non stop, feel like my heart is squeezed till all the stuff inside the heart flows out. Punch the freaking wall till my hands bleed...
But the reason is not because of the school thing, its because of him, her, them, my best of the best friends, I'm afraid not to be able to meet them again, why?
Because I love them, not even my class mates treats me as good as them, all they think about is their own work and themselves...
Well, even these guys are going to sec 3 next year, i just hope their attitude does not change, wish them the best of luck yeah?
Cheers to all~
[PS: I won't be uploading any pics from my phone as I can't find my usb cable and my memory stick~]
Well, anyways, this one's not a real post, just did this out of boredom, and its still in the morning, GMT+8
Haha... uhz...
There's alot of thing in my mind right now you know?
But surprisingly, none of few of them are about me being kicked out or how to find a new school, but these thoughts do adds up, because of these, I'm afraid I wont be seeing my friends forever, I'm afraid of being sent back to Indonesia.
I don't know how am I supposed to feel right now, you know?
I feel like eating non stop, feel like my heart is squeezed till all the stuff inside the heart flows out. Punch the freaking wall till my hands bleed...
But the reason is not because of the school thing, its because of him, her, them, my best of the best friends, I'm afraid not to be able to meet them again, why?
Because I love them, not even my class mates treats me as good as them, all they think about is their own work and themselves...
Well, even these guys are going to sec 3 next year, i just hope their attitude does not change, wish them the best of luck yeah?
Cheers to all~
[PS: I won't be uploading any pics from my phone as I can't find my usb cable and my memory stick~]
28 October, 2007
My Last week, my Last day of Fun
This is getting loads of Bull man... I mean, look at it, I got kicked out of school, afraid to tell my sis my results, and if i don't get stuff resorted by tomorrow, no more Singapore life for me... Once again, I fell that this is unfair, but I accept it, not sure whether my family members does... I mean... I once made a promise to my mum, to study hard, get good grades, yada yada yada, before her death bed... ah anyways, did some fun stuff yesterday (Saturday),
Gone to Fazul's open house, took my (James, Sim, ZS and me) lunch there.
ate quite a lot, ate 2 plates of Bee Hoon( or was it Mee Hoon? =.= wtf who cares) few piece of Chicken Wing and Drumsticks. Then here are some shots of us During the open house;

Then, after the open house, went to go play pool with Lynn, James, ZS and me, Simranjeet there, Had to leave for some reason... ( pangseh Kia)
After play pool, had our dinner at KFC,
Then went to the BMC playground
Play my guitar... and being Emo for around 3 hrs there...

And still cant find the courage to tell my sis my results...
Tdae goin out agn... If can then tday nite write agn...
This is getting loads of Bull man... I mean, look at it, I got kicked out of school, afraid to tell my sis my results, and if i don't get stuff resorted by tomorrow, no more Singapore life for me... Once again, I fell that this is unfair, but I accept it, not sure whether my family members does... I mean... I once made a promise to my mum, to study hard, get good grades, yada yada yada, before her death bed... ah anyways, did some fun stuff yesterday (Saturday),
Gone to Fazul's open house, took my (James, Sim, ZS and me) lunch there.
ate quite a lot, ate 2 plates of Bee Hoon( or was it Mee Hoon? =.= wtf who cares) few piece of Chicken Wing and Drumsticks. Then here are some shots of us During the open house;
Then, after the open house, went to go play pool with Lynn, James, ZS and me, Simranjeet there, Had to leave for some reason... ( pangseh Kia)
After play pool, had our dinner at KFC,
Then went to the BMC playground
Play my guitar... and being Emo for around 3 hrs there...
And still cant find the courage to tell my sis my results...
Tdae goin out agn... If can then tday nite write agn...
26 October, 2007
Retaining and some other Stuffs
Some of your dreams come true,
I know some of you guys wanted me to retain,
But something worst happen,
I got kicked out of school,
Happy naw?
I was ready to retain,
But government says foreigner are not allowed to retain wadever shit,
"Justice and Equality" my ass.
"Regardless of Race, Language or Religion" My ass.
Some democratic country.
Even if i got Kicked out of school, they don't even allow me to write a letter of recommendation, FTW.
How the fuk am i goin to get my CCA achievements if you don't even let me write my CCA achievements? AkA my Letter or Recommendation.
Any ways, thanks to all the people that cared for me, given me their listening ear,
Especially ZS...
My best bud ever yeah,
Always be there for me
Altho quite sarcastic some times...
He's there for me.
Just like todae, he accompanied me all the way to NCC Hq and waited for my briefing to end, and even bought me a Bottle of green tea...
You know how much i wanna cry...
Its good to feel that people do care for you you know,
And some people that usually makes fun of me even given me their support...
Like Heng Hui,
At least he is another one to give me his listening ear...
thanks for all your support BMSS and BMNCC
Some of your dreams come true,
I know some of you guys wanted me to retain,
But something worst happen,
I got kicked out of school,
Happy naw?
I was ready to retain,
But government says foreigner are not allowed to retain wadever shit,
"Justice and Equality" my ass.
"Regardless of Race, Language or Religion" My ass.
Some democratic country.
Even if i got Kicked out of school, they don't even allow me to write a letter of recommendation, FTW.
How the fuk am i goin to get my CCA achievements if you don't even let me write my CCA achievements? AkA my Letter or Recommendation.
Any ways, thanks to all the people that cared for me, given me their listening ear,
Especially ZS...
My best bud ever yeah,
Always be there for me
Altho quite sarcastic some times...
He's there for me.
Just like todae, he accompanied me all the way to NCC Hq and waited for my briefing to end, and even bought me a Bottle of green tea...
You know how much i wanna cry...
Its good to feel that people do care for you you know,
And some people that usually makes fun of me even given me their support...
Like Heng Hui,
At least he is another one to give me his listening ear...
thanks for all your support BMSS and BMNCC
25 October, 2007
I wanna SCREAM...
This is dumb... I feel so... Stupid...
I mean... I know I'm goin to retain.
Yet have not told my family about my results,
Its not like I could hide em forever
So yada yada yada.
Class outing was todae.
Went to west coast, while most of my friends went to east... Dunno y, maybe east is bigger,
Durin the time there, feel really stupid,
the first half of the activity was alright,
some sort of race, which was quite meaningless...
during the last part of the race,
Climbed the rope pyramid 3 times...
my hands hurt like hell.
For the first time, was to help Shawn to check whether the keyhole fits the key hanging on the top of the pyramid,
second time was just for fun,
the third was bcz of my friend, ask me come up... agn...
toopid, my hands got blisters...
Aft tt go back to school,
feel quite stoopid going back,
Cuz i think my class was the only class tt went back to school to be dismissed.
After dismissal, went to Jared's house,
Cuz, he opened a guitar container (dunno wad its called ok...),
Which i saw it there since the first time i went his house...
Which was 2 years ago in sec 1.
Then played some songs
Went to Vivo, wanted to watch movie.
went there with Cally, Jared, Wendy and Leona.
Walk walk for a few mins,
Decided to go watch movie.
Leona went home
Watch "The Seeker: Dark is Rising"
Wendy watch already...
Jared keep persuading her to watch.
Aft the movie met James,
Jared went for his floor ball trials.
Left ther 3 of us... walk around Vivo for a few more mins,
Went home
(Verry brief i know... cuz not in the mood)
niways, goodluck
bum drugs.
@@@@@Talking crap bout Expired stuffs~@@@@@
I mean... I know I'm goin to retain.
Yet have not told my family about my results,
Its not like I could hide em forever
So yada yada yada.
Class outing was todae.
Went to west coast, while most of my friends went to east... Dunno y, maybe east is bigger,
Durin the time there, feel really stupid,
the first half of the activity was alright,
some sort of race, which was quite meaningless...
during the last part of the race,
Climbed the rope pyramid 3 times...
my hands hurt like hell.
For the first time, was to help Shawn to check whether the keyhole fits the key hanging on the top of the pyramid,
second time was just for fun,
the third was bcz of my friend, ask me come up... agn...
toopid, my hands got blisters...
Aft tt go back to school,
feel quite stoopid going back,
Cuz i think my class was the only class tt went back to school to be dismissed.
After dismissal, went to Jared's house,
Me: Jared, lend me your guitar
Jared: It's in my room
Me: Help me take, I scared of your brother
(jared helps me take the guitar)
Jared: I just realize har, I have 2 guitars in my house.
Me: =.=
Jared: It's in my room
Me: Help me take, I scared of your brother
(jared helps me take the guitar)
Jared: I just realize har, I have 2 guitars in my house.
Me: =.=
Cuz, he opened a guitar container (dunno wad its called ok...),
Which i saw it there since the first time i went his house...
Which was 2 years ago in sec 1.
Then played some songs
Went to Vivo, wanted to watch movie.
went there with Cally, Jared, Wendy and Leona.
Walk walk for a few mins,
Decided to go watch movie.
Leona went home
Watch "The Seeker: Dark is Rising"
Wendy watch already...
Jared keep persuading her to watch.
Aft the movie met James,
Jared went for his floor ball trials.
Left ther 3 of us... walk around Vivo for a few more mins,
Went home
(Verry brief i know... cuz not in the mood)
niways, goodluck
bum drugs.
@@@@@Talking crap bout Expired stuffs~@@@@@
23 October, 2007
Soccer Time Soccer
Lolz urgh... friggin tired aft playing soccer fer 2 hrs~ damn...
Well actually not That tires but... still well, the fatigue comes later anyways.
Before that, I got Sam Fest, but well how to put it,
I was Partially ROTTING in there...
I mean look at it, alone, in a cold, freezing com lab, you catch a flu.
Waiting for them Primary school kids.
And when they came, I was like well repeating myself all over again, over and over for like more than 10 times...
Yes, no life, I understand, I comprehend, Wo zhi dao le, Wo dong le, Gw ngerti, Gw paham.
I understand in 3 different languages and words.
lame I know.
But like I care DUH~
Its my blog for cryin out loud.
I got some pics of my life there, in a vast, cold, empty com lab.
Uploading soon.
then went home... ZS, Sim, Edwin, Farel followed me home. Cuz I said wanna play soccer
Then Fazul n James came along.
Go near my hse there the street soccer court.
Then played with some strangers, but we won, yeah 8 - 5~~ before another group comes in, we lost 1 - 3
and I scored the only goal wheee soccer madness.
Shall end here and continue living my lifeless life.
Lolz urgh... friggin tired aft playing soccer fer 2 hrs~ damn...
Well actually not That tires but... still well, the fatigue comes later anyways.
Before that, I got Sam Fest, but well how to put it,
I was Partially ROTTING in there...
I mean look at it, alone, in a cold, freezing com lab, you catch a flu.
Waiting for them Primary school kids.
And when they came, I was like well repeating myself all over again, over and over for like more than 10 times...
Yes, no life, I understand, I comprehend, Wo zhi dao le, Wo dong le, Gw ngerti, Gw paham.
I understand in 3 different languages and words.
lame I know.
But like I care DUH~
Its my blog for cryin out loud.
I got some pics of my life there, in a vast, cold, empty com lab.
Uploading soon.
then went home... ZS, Sim, Edwin, Farel followed me home. Cuz I said wanna play soccer
Then Fazul n James came along.
Go near my hse there the street soccer court.
Then played with some strangers, but we won, yeah 8 - 5~~ before another group comes in, we lost 1 - 3
and I scored the only goal wheee soccer madness.
Shall end here and continue living my lifeless life.
22 October, 2007
Learned some songs, Played em songs
Hip hip hurrah~ i failed my EOY
I got 45 - 60
Dun wanna talk about it so yeah~
Rite, on topic, Went jammin tdae with Suraj, Jared, Cally and Wendy~
At least were able to play them few songs~
Might not seem much, cuz we dun knoe wad to play during tt time~
I admit, I'm not that pro in playin them songs just yet, but at least I know how to play thhe above posted~.
Aft jammin, I wanted to get grab smth to eat, suggested go to mac and delli, but Wendy insisted on going to LJS, Long john Silver's, not Jianshen lolz~.
Tou Pai le Cally and Wendy Eating~ but dun want to post~~ latta they kill me~=.=
for details go askem yourselves.Oh aaaaaand~~~ Wendy treated Suraj to a meal ~~ smth Fishy~ hahaz lolz, not goin to details, ^.^
aft eating go out out walk walk around Vivo City~.
Then go upstairs of Vivo, Wendy and Cally go there play wid water, then me and Jared stayed at the bench 'looking after' the bags, den accidentally slept, den kena security guards wake up... PS sia.
The wind down there so shiok, blow like untill so nice weather to sleep,
Then Cally the bag also like got cushion like tt... like pillow... if i stay there one nite i think i also dun mind =.=
Then went home, met Aryani then... nth to say=.=
Ok lo Stop here
I got 45 - 60
Dun wanna talk about it so yeah~
Rite, on topic, Went jammin tdae with Suraj, Jared, Cally and Wendy~
At least were able to play them few songs~
The world is Black
We believe
Great Escape
The world is Black
We believe
Great Escape
Might not seem much, cuz we dun knoe wad to play during tt time~
I admit, I'm not that pro in playin them songs just yet, but at least I know how to play thhe above posted~.
Aft jammin, I wanted to get grab smth to eat, suggested go to mac and delli, but Wendy insisted on going to LJS, Long john Silver's, not Jianshen lolz~.
Tou Pai le Cally and Wendy Eating~ but dun want to post~~ latta they kill me~=.=
for details go askem yourselves.Oh aaaaaand~~~ Wendy treated Suraj to a meal ~~ smth Fishy~ hahaz lolz, not goin to details, ^.^
aft eating go out out walk walk around Vivo City~.
Me down there like->
Me: want go watch movie anot?
Jared: Watch ar, Watch wad?
Me: Balls of Furry?
Wendy n Cally: Watch before
Wendy: but if watch again i also don't mind
Cally: But i no money
Me: I go blanja you wan anot?
Jared n Wendy: Wah eh Francis, you blanja us also la.
Me: =.= fget it.
Me: want go watch movie anot?
Jared: Watch ar, Watch wad?
Me: Balls of Furry?
Wendy n Cally: Watch before
Wendy: but if watch again i also don't mind
Cally: But i no money
Me: I go blanja you wan anot?
Jared n Wendy: Wah eh Francis, you blanja us also la.
Me: =.= fget it.
Then go upstairs of Vivo, Wendy and Cally go there play wid water, then me and Jared stayed at the bench 'looking after' the bags, den accidentally slept, den kena security guards wake up... PS sia.
The wind down there so shiok, blow like untill so nice weather to sleep,
Then Cally the bag also like got cushion like tt... like pillow... if i stay there one nite i think i also dun mind =.=
Then went home, met Aryani then... nth to say=.=
Ok lo Stop here
Godd luck guys gals,
21 October, 2007
A fun, Boring day
I loled at the title...
Fun, Boring... yea rite... Wtf am i talking about.
No pics, I dun think ppl will like VGA quality photos anyways.
To day was like...
'Uhhh boring man~ some one please go play pool, watch movie or sumthin. Tmr die alrd please some one go ask me go put have sum fun a lil' bit la~'
Den I went online fer a while... since nth much to do. SURAJ den came to my resque, well, almost...
He ask me go to Yan Xing der house go jammin, since YX bought an electrical drum set from Yamaha... which totally sux. You could hear yourself hitting the plastic drum thing more then the sound which was supposed to be made.
Aft that I suggested that we go pooling, since I got some spare change left and dun knoe wad to do with it.
Waited for 124 like wad sia... 10 minutes... den 20 minutes... finally aft 25 minutes the damn junk of metal came.
Reach Safra... YX the friend was there alrd lol. Me and Suraj was there like asking YX wether his friend was a gangster. Then, YX the friend asked us whether WE were gangsters, down there laffing about the conversation.
Went to Safra, saw Lynn and her friends (dun get me wrong why I use her name, Cuz she's the oni person in that group who I recognize.
YX friend was quite pro, then down there played quite some few rounds, didn't notice time passed so fast, 1 hr was over so quick.
For some reason, I feel so good playin pool in the first few rounds, then i feel so noob, lost my accuracy in the next few rounds.
On the way home , met LJS, no, not Long John Silvers la, should knoe who he is.
Lol now at home, watching The Animal, continue leading my Boring life... Xian
End here le
I want to make a confession sooner or latter
Good luck, Guys, Gals
I like you, I love you, I just wish you would accept me
Fun, Boring... yea rite... Wtf am i talking about.
No pics, I dun think ppl will like VGA quality photos anyways.
To day was like...
'Uhhh boring man~ some one please go play pool, watch movie or sumthin. Tmr die alrd please some one go ask me go put have sum fun a lil' bit la~'
Den I went online fer a while... since nth much to do. SURAJ den came to my resque, well, almost...
He ask me go to Yan Xing der house go jammin, since YX bought an electrical drum set from Yamaha... which totally sux. You could hear yourself hitting the plastic drum thing more then the sound which was supposed to be made.
What I've done (which i didn't play since i dunno the chords YET)
ALMOST played;
Wake me up when sept ends
Breaking the habit
What I've done (which i didn't play since i dunno the chords YET)
ALMOST played;
Wake me up when sept ends
Breaking the habit
Aft that I suggested that we go pooling, since I got some spare change left and dun knoe wad to do with it.
Waited for 124 like wad sia... 10 minutes... den 20 minutes... finally aft 25 minutes the damn junk of metal came.
Reach Safra... YX the friend was there alrd lol. Me and Suraj was there like asking YX wether his friend was a gangster. Then, YX the friend asked us whether WE were gangsters, down there laffing about the conversation.
Went to Safra, saw Lynn and her friends (dun get me wrong why I use her name, Cuz she's the oni person in that group who I recognize.
YX friend was quite pro, then down there played quite some few rounds, didn't notice time passed so fast, 1 hr was over so quick.
For some reason, I feel so good playin pool in the first few rounds, then i feel so noob, lost my accuracy in the next few rounds.
On the way home , met LJS, no, not Long John Silvers la, should knoe who he is.
Lol now at home, watching The Animal, continue leading my Boring life... Xian
End here le
I want to make a confession sooner or latter
Good luck, Guys, Gals
I like you, I love you, I just wish you would accept me
19 October, 2007
'Fun' Day.
Ok~ Tdae was great!
Woke up in de morning, Simranjeet say wan go jogging at 8.30 am.
Den aft tt, I ready to go le, he say he stomach ache~ (How so very fake.)
Den waited untill 1.30 go to opp. ther KFC der bus stop there, waited for Budget, Hong hui and Suraj (go jamming~ whee)
Aft a few minutes of Bus ride, Meet Jared and Kok Boon In der bus~
Found out they were also goin Jamming.
Aft went to Peninsula, The only Music player there was me, Jared, Suraj and GuoTing...
Here are some of our pic durring the jam~ nvr take my own pic, I'm not Zilian mind you~

I'm just sayin tho~
Woke up in de morning, Simranjeet say wan go jogging at 8.30 am.
Den aft tt, I ready to go le, he say he stomach ache~ (How so very fake.)
Den waited untill 1.30 go to opp. ther KFC der bus stop there, waited for Budget, Hong hui and Suraj (go jamming~ whee)
Aft a few minutes of Bus ride, Meet Jared and Kok Boon In der bus~
Found out they were also goin Jamming.
Aft went to Peninsula, The only Music player there was me, Jared, Suraj and GuoTing...
Here are some of our pic durring the jam~ nvr take my own pic, I'm not Zilian mind you~
Boon in Jam Room, Cant see his face, his 'thing' was there =.=

Jared Vocals~~ lol

Finally go Safra Play pool for 2 hrs~
Hah ~ went to quite a lot of places~~ Sorry if the picture was not too well Pix elated, My Hp only has a VGA cam~

I'm just sayin tho~
18 October, 2007
Time to Find my long lost wife.. uhh i mean Life
Da da da da da
La la la la la~~
Uhh yeah dudes' and dudetes~~
Exams are over ~~~ wheepee. and yet i still Can't find the life i want to~ Can't find the dream i wanted to dream about~
Have you even wondered why are we alive? Why do we live? What are we living for? What is our purpose, are we living for someone? Is our life just a promise we made to someone dearest to us? Do we live because we are told to do so?
In my head, mankind are born, to die in the end. Why bother living if you know that you would wound up dead sooner or later? We don't even know where do we go after death. Do we still continue living on earth roaming infinitely, just like in the Chinese books and sayings? Do we go to hell and get reincarnated after doing years of labor in hell, reincarnated as Pigs or Dogs? Or are we sent to heaven because we died a honorable death by doing good deeds or sent to hell eternally because of our past mistakes?
Me, I live because i think I'm forced to live, forced by promise whom I dear the most. Yet even saying these, i want to break the promise, but I'm afraid to. I shall continue living that promise until destiny has it. May it be tomorrow, next week or even today.
Yet without that promise, I shall find my light, my path, my destiny to live.
I need to find that Shinning Light of Hope. (bleah sorry use ur e-mail add~).
La la la la la~~
Uhh yeah dudes' and dudetes~~
Exams are over ~~~ wheepee. and yet i still Can't find the life i want to~ Can't find the dream i wanted to dream about~
Have you even wondered why are we alive? Why do we live? What are we living for? What is our purpose, are we living for someone? Is our life just a promise we made to someone dearest to us? Do we live because we are told to do so?
In my head, mankind are born, to die in the end. Why bother living if you know that you would wound up dead sooner or later? We don't even know where do we go after death. Do we still continue living on earth roaming infinitely, just like in the Chinese books and sayings? Do we go to hell and get reincarnated after doing years of labor in hell, reincarnated as Pigs or Dogs? Or are we sent to heaven because we died a honorable death by doing good deeds or sent to hell eternally because of our past mistakes?
Me, I live because i think I'm forced to live, forced by promise whom I dear the most. Yet even saying these, i want to break the promise, but I'm afraid to. I shall continue living that promise until destiny has it. May it be tomorrow, next week or even today.
Yet without that promise, I shall find my light, my path, my destiny to live.
I need to find that Shinning Light of Hope. (bleah sorry use ur e-mail add~).
That was loooooooooooooooooooooong~
originated by me of course~
On a side note~, FINISHED MY EOY
Ok went a little crazy for a moment~ la la la
Ok Good luck Guys, Gals~~
I still love you, yet, not allowed to, I don't want to loose the friendship between me and him just because I love you~
15 October, 2007
Here's quite unpopular song, But it sounded Real nice.
Thanks To AT Koh for telling me this song exist.
Here's The lyrics. If any of you can find it, Please do Inform me or Edwin.
With all due Respect, Here's the lyrics.
"Over And Over"
Thanks To AT Koh for telling me this song exist.
Here's The lyrics. If any of you can find it, Please do Inform me or Edwin.
With all due Respect, Here's the lyrics.
"Over And Over"
I feel it everyday it's all the same
It brings me down but I'm the one to blame
I've tried everything to get away
So here I go again
Chasing you down again
Why do I do this?
Over and over, over and over
I fall for you
Over and over, over and over
I try not to
It feels like everyday stays the same
It's dragging me down and I can't pull away
So here I go again
Chasing you down again
Why do I do this?
Over and over, over and over
I fall for you
Over and over, over and over
I try not to
Over and over, over and over
You make me fall for you
Over and over, over and over
You don't even try
So many thoughts that I can't get out of my head
I try to live without you, every time I do I feel dead
I know what's best for me
But I want you instead
I'll keep on wasting all my time
Over and over, over and over
I fall for you
Over and over, over and over
I try not to
Over and over, over and over
You make me fall for you
Over and over, over and over
You don't even try to
It brings me down but I'm the one to blame
I've tried everything to get away
So here I go again
Chasing you down again
Why do I do this?
Over and over, over and over
I fall for you
Over and over, over and over
I try not to
It feels like everyday stays the same
It's dragging me down and I can't pull away
So here I go again
Chasing you down again
Why do I do this?
Over and over, over and over
I fall for you
Over and over, over and over
I try not to
Over and over, over and over
You make me fall for you
Over and over, over and over
You don't even try
So many thoughts that I can't get out of my head
I try to live without you, every time I do I feel dead
I know what's best for me
But I want you instead
I'll keep on wasting all my time
Over and over, over and over
I fall for you
Over and over, over and over
I try not to
Over and over, over and over
You make me fall for you
Over and over, over and over
You don't even try to
14 October, 2007
Selamat Hari Raya ppl
Lolz, actually make this post becuz i have nothing to do.
Well, actually I do.
Its the exams, But it seems funny to me, about how relaxed I am.
I mean, get real. Everybody's Racking their brain to study.
But it seems that I'm one of those few who only think of passing and get on to the next level (Secondary 4).
But still even though I said that I feel like nothing and unreal, there is still alot of stuff that needs to be clarified in my head. Yes, many, many stuffs.
I hope that everybody's who's reading this blog has the best of luck for what ever they wish for and look forward to, and do your best to get what you want.
Me? I want a new HP.... Either P990I or Any models of Walkman or Cybershot.
Do well (pass) my Examinations.
Retrieve what all the things that I have lost. (hehehe some personal matters XD)
Get an Electric Guitar.
Give ZS Bday bash.
Ok hope you have happy Hari raya, Lahir dan batin? sorry, forgot the sayings. lol
Lolz, actually make this post becuz i have nothing to do.
Well, actually I do.
Its the exams, But it seems funny to me, about how relaxed I am.
I mean, get real. Everybody's Racking their brain to study.
But it seems that I'm one of those few who only think of passing and get on to the next level (Secondary 4).
But still even though I said that I feel like nothing and unreal, there is still alot of stuff that needs to be clarified in my head. Yes, many, many stuffs.
I hope that everybody's who's reading this blog has the best of luck for what ever they wish for and look forward to, and do your best to get what you want.
Me? I want a new HP.... Either P990I or Any models of Walkman or Cybershot.
Do well (pass) my Examinations.
Retrieve what all the things that I have lost. (hehehe some personal matters XD)
Get an Electric Guitar.
Give ZS Bday bash.
Ok hope you have happy Hari raya, Lahir dan batin? sorry, forgot the sayings. lol
13 October, 2007
11 October, 2007
Ha ha See me Look at ME
10 October, 2007
The End of Year Examination are going to come, Are you Ready for the First Round?
This is it people, The once in a Life time serious post.
The end of year For Bukit Merah Secondary School is officially coming.
Are you guys Ready for the Questions that comes?
Ok la... y so serious...
Dotz, nth better to do, post some rubbish here, make a lot of archives, make sure it stacks ups lol.
Xian, Today must prepare a lot, Especially History, which has a bloody thick stack of notes to remember, and then mths comes along with it WTF.
I love you and I always Do, Its just that the time is not yet Ripe, I'll be hated for loving you, I hope you will understand.
Right Guys/ Gals, Cheers to our Prosperity of Love , Hope and Kindness. Chim Sia
The end of year For Bukit Merah Secondary School is officially coming.
Are you guys Ready for the Questions that comes?
Ok la... y so serious...
Dotz, nth better to do, post some rubbish here, make a lot of archives, make sure it stacks ups lol.
Xian, Today must prepare a lot, Especially History, which has a bloody thick stack of notes to remember, and then mths comes along with it WTF.
I love you and I always Do, Its just that the time is not yet Ripe, I'll be hated for loving you, I hope you will understand.
Right Guys/ Gals, Cheers to our Prosperity of Love , Hope and Kindness. Chim Sia
08 October, 2007
The firs day of 'gonna be' EOY
I was like, WTF man.
I was wronged.
This is the reason i HATE i repeat, I HATE teachers,
Especially Ms Lim Lay Eng,
And i was thankful some of my dudes out ther called her miss lim chee bye
I was fucking wronged man,
I mean U all know Mr Wun right?
Well, he told Ms Lim there, i was not doing my work, and instead was enjoying my life in his class.
Then when i went to class, Ms lim was like:
'Francis, Mr Wun said huh, you were enjoying life in his class.'
'If you want to stay there and enjoy life, Continue not doing your work.'
DUDES i was like OMFG I did My bloody work.
If i didn't. WTF is TEH worksheet on my bag doing?
wipe my ass hole issit?
Shoot man, I'm gonna shoot his bloody face when i see him the first thing.
Anyways besides all that, I'm gonna prove I'm doin my stuff when i got flyin' colour fer my exams. HUH!
On a side note,
Learned the whole of wake me up when September end Tabs, just have to polish it.
Good luck guys / Gals, Cheers
I was wronged.
This is the reason i HATE i repeat, I HATE teachers,
Especially Ms Lim Lay Eng,
And i was thankful some of my dudes out ther called her miss lim chee bye
I was fucking wronged man,
I mean U all know Mr Wun right?
Well, he told Ms Lim there, i was not doing my work, and instead was enjoying my life in his class.
Then when i went to class, Ms lim was like:
'Francis, Mr Wun said huh, you were enjoying life in his class.'
'If you want to stay there and enjoy life, Continue not doing your work.'
DUDES i was like OMFG I did My bloody work.
If i didn't. WTF is TEH worksheet on my bag doing?
wipe my ass hole issit?
Shoot man, I'm gonna shoot his bloody face when i see him the first thing.
Anyways besides all that, I'm gonna prove I'm doin my stuff when i got flyin' colour fer my exams. HUH!
On a side note,
Learned the whole of wake me up when September end Tabs, just have to polish it.
Good luck guys / Gals, Cheers
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