I don't want to make myself to be the hero here now, just my side of the story.
If you want to know the details go to James' blog, he got all the bits and pieces of criticism about me there, insults me, my family, and guess what?
I don't give a damn, if he gets the wrong idea about this, there isn't even any friendship in the first place. The friendship revolves around the Guitar and the Guitar only, and because of this small misunderstanding, he got all worked up, get the wrong idea and yada yada yada.
Guess what? I don't give a damn about him, now I could probably prove almost, yes most of his criticism in there wrong, anyways, I'm not going to say this, probably would make things worst than it already is now. I mean, he got one long criticism about me already, I don't want to post it on my blog, answereing each and every one of them, give me sore eyes man.
I mean, wich person, in the world, would like to read all the misunderstandings about himsleves over and over again?
For the real deal, the post I mean.
Today was going alright in the first place, went for NCC training, then yada yada yada, the boring stuffs, never really DID the training, just went there to look at the part A's doing the training.
(and play guitar at the same time) haha.
then after that, played a feew hours of soccer, went to ngee ann polly (or was it poly?, heck i know my spelling sucks so yeah~) then after that was supposedly to go to my house, but as you cna see on top, Stuffs happens.
Yup yup, then after going to my house, went to LJS to meet Fazul and Aryani, well, they were dating there but~~~wth, they asked us to come so, not really a litebulb la.
after eating, we all went to the multi story car park, and had a lil chat up there, walk around the top, and WOOT, there was a pent house, deserted though, i wonder which Rich bastard is going to buy that?
Then after that, we saw some policemen, talking to someone I know, woots, looks like stuffs happened in there too, a gang fight I guess? i dont knoe, but heck it was quite scary there at night, the pent house and stuffs, the holes... damn i dont want to think about it la, reminds me of Silent hill, the hills have eyes and resident evil...
Thats it, people, good luck, bum drugs~
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