17 November, 2007

Wierd stuff of my posting style

I mean, ok people usually post something that happens to them to their everyday lives or exciting moments of their lives, or maybe post something right there so to make a memory of something you want to remember.

I find the way i post my entries quite weird these days, I mean, I don't post according to what happens to me, I post about what i like and when I like, maybe like I'm posting something here years ago, or maybe I'm posting about how I feel, posting something i want people to know about, posting what I want that people would notice. Like me previous entry, I just posted on how I changed my blogskins, and how difficult the Guitar Tab Thing was so hard, but its not like anyone would care isn't it?

Well anyways, for the real deal.

I found my webcam!!
Well, it IS spoilt, broken, whatever, but hey~ I managed to fix it hehe Proud.
And Video calling in MSN wasn't sp bad, heh~ quite fun in a way haha~
Hmm ncc training tomorrow!
Whooep, Longtime no training~ yeah *Twist of peace*
Bringing my Guitar there, and hopefully i don't screw up my magic trick there.

Do dododo dodo Doo~

cheers Lads~

Bomb Drugs

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