30 November, 2008


Mythology (From Wiki)

See also: Pisces (constellation)#Mythology

One of the most popular stories regarding the mythological origin of Pisces is the story of Aphrodite and Eros. The story involves Aphrodite and her son Eros escaping from the terrible monster Typhon by turning themselves into fish and hiding underwater until it was safe to come back to the surface. As fish, they tied their tails together with a cord so that they wouldn't lose one another while swimming in the darkness of the deep water. Upon hearing their tale, Zeus rewarded the pair by placing them among the stars as the constellation of Pisces. [3]

As a constellation, Pisces has been almost universally associated with female deities.

  • malleable / impressionable
  • gentle
  • good natured / easygoing
  • likeable / kind
  • compassionate / sympathetic
  • sensitive
  • dreamy / impractical
  • instinctive / intuitive
  • imaginative / artistically able
  • versatile
  • gullible / naive / easily led
  • spiritual
  • escapist
  • selfless

Pisces has been almost universally associated with female deities.
So... why am I so unlucky with girls? Well female deities are another story, but I don't mind getting a goddess for a partner~

LikesFeeling appreciated, feeling loved, freedom, stability, mystical settings/enchantment, dreaming, having their input valued, being unique
DislikesFeeling vulnerable, having no goals to move toward, feeling invalidated, being criticized, illiteracy, noisy scenes and displays, having no sense of structure
Ideal careerscaring for the needy as in the fields of medicine or veterinary medicine [4] • anything related to the sea [4] • acting [4] • psychics or mystics [4] • religion [4] • cooking [4] • pharmacist
By far these are so friggin true, 
DislikesFeeling vulnerable, having no goals to move toward, feeling invalidated, being criticized, illiteracy, noisy scenes and displays, having no sense of structure
Edwin, Hpone and Jiaxi should know why.
Ideal careerscaring for the needy as in the fields of medicine or veterinary medicine [4] • anything related to the sea [4] • acting(For me, Music) [4] • psychics or mystics [4] • religion [4] • cooking [4] • pharmacist
I used to doubt i was a Pisces... but, maybe I am one...

Oh, if I'm Pisces, and loves seafood, doesn't that kinda... makes me a cannibal?

The Chinese equivalent is thought to be the gentle, diplomatic Rabbit, whose lunar month is 6 March - 4 April.[14]

So... if I were born in the year of rabbit, I'd be a perfect Pisces... huh?

28 November, 2008

I dont know why i'm posting this... Well lets just say i've been reading novels.

A Question and an Answer
Cause and Effect
Hope and Dispair
Past and Future
Grief and Pitty
Dissapointment and Sympathy.

27 November, 2008


Hoidays make people strange, and it makes strange people even stranger, and more strange. You guys would think so, cuz what I'm gonna say next its completely~... yeah... strange.




Well, its the holidays, i'm doing some pretty stupid stuff every now and then, Playing games most of the time, stocking up on manga, downloading (guys, don't deny it) porn, games, and all sort of neat stuff.


Then among this I stumbled upon a Novel. well, since it was pretty well like in the forums i'm visiting, I began reading it myself.


I'm no good at typing essays, so i'll try to portray why i think some cases of aldultery is is fine...


Imagine... There was this girl you love, like you liked her since forever. And when you finnaly got the courage to tell her your feelings, she kisses you, and leaves you hanging without giving  an answer. A few days later you realises that she already has a fiance.


(Just cutting the long story short), When you grew up, you were working in the same place as that girl you liked, but the only thing now is, she's married.


*Scenes here* *Scenes there* *loads of events goin on*


She then told you that she was actually happy that you confessed your feelings to her, and infact still in harbours feelings for you. (In this case the guy was too still in love with her.)


And for her case, she wasn't doing too well with her husband, you decided to use this moment, again to confess your feeling for her. She didn't reply, again but -> (Sex Scene~ God damned they described it with so much detail).


*Lots of events* (This is the adultery part, so go figure~)


At your work place, feeling un eased with only physical relations, you told her the third time how you felt about her and made clear that you not only want her body, but also her feelings.

She said she loves you, but being married, she also still cares bout her husband. (I think there was a time when she said there's no more love in their relationship, but the author apparently forgot i think.)


That night, she told you her husband was on a business trip, and won’t be back for the night, so you decided to take her out on a date. – To be continued, okay, I suck at describing a story.

24 November, 2008

I think i'll start colecting fullmetal alchemist manga...

20 November, 2008

Call of Duty 4 quotes

I've recently played COD4, and i found some pretty neat quotes.

"Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind."
-John F. Kennedy

"If the enemy is in range, so are you."
-Infantry Journal

"Aim towards the Enemy."
-Instruction printed on US Rocket Launcher

"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle!"
-General John J. Pershing

"War is delightful to those who have not yet experienced it."

"Diplomats are just as essential in starting a war as soldiers are for
finishing it."
-Will Rogers

"Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die."
-Herbert Hoover

"Freedom is not free, but the U.S. Marine Corps will pay most of your share."
-Ned Dolan

"Five second fuses only last three seconds."
-Infantry Journal

"If your attack is going too well, you're walking into an ambush."
-Infantry Journal

"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend."
-U.S. Army Training Notice

"There are only two kinds of people that understand Marines: Marines and the
enemy. Everyone else has a second-hand opinion."

-General William Thornson

"The more marines I have around, the better I like it."
-General Clark, U.S. Army

"Heroes may not be braver than anyone else. They're just brave five minutes
-Ronald Reagan

"Some people live an entire lifetime and wonder if they have ever made a
difference in the world, but the Marines don't have that problem."

-Ronald Reagan

"If at first you don't succeed, call an air strike."

"Tracers work both ways."
-U.S. Army Ordinance

"You cant say civilization dont advance - for in every war, they kill you in a
new way."

-Will Rogers

"Anyone, who truly wants to go to war, has truly never been there before!"
-Larry Reeves

"Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart. Whoever wants it back has
no brain."

-Vladimir Putin (I lol'ed at this one)

"Cluster bombing from B-52s are very, very, accurate. The bombs are guaranteed
to always hit the ground."
-USAF Ammo Troop

"If a man has done his best, what else is there?"
-General George S. Patton

"Every tyrant who has lived has believed in freedom - for himself."
-Elbert Hubbard

There were a total of 80 quotes, but yeah, these are the ones that caught me attention. for others go to


11 November, 2008


what happens when matrix goes windows

09 November, 2008

I was just thinking, this is boring shit, no i mean seriously

We live in a fucking boring world.

We need more supernaturals in this world, yes, i'm talking about unexplained homocide cases, mass suicide, aliens, espers, gods descending down to earth.
This life we live on, its boring.

putting the impossible aside, we need adventures, like the time where pirates ruled the sea, exploring unknown lands, the bizzare in the bermuda triangle.
i wanna do that, to live, travel the world.
I think i saw this somewhere before or hear about it...

'The world is constantly at war, in previous times, it was warlords againts warlords, then armaies againts armies, evil againts justice.

Even now we have war, in this time of calm and peace, Criminals againts police, politicians and business man fighting for their own business rights.'

I dont know, people nowadays just say 'peace here and there' heck

I ranted alot of giberish.

Weird stuff.

I know I haven't been posting for a long time here are some weird stuff.

Then next up is a weird phrase

"8th graders boys are born only to mastrubate"
8th grader = 14 years old. I think.

And the last one is well, its from a japanese anime, but, with different dubbing. I dont know if you guys would understand tho, its from the anime 'Clannad'