26 December, 2008
Satan Santa
25 December, 2008
17 December, 2008
30 November, 2008
Mythology (From Wiki)
- See also: Pisces (constellation)#Mythology
One of the most popular stories regarding the mythological origin of Pisces is the story of Aphrodite and Eros. The story involves Aphrodite and her son Eros escaping from the terrible monster Typhon by turning themselves into fish and hiding underwater until it was safe to come back to the surface. As fish, they tied their tails together with a cord so that they wouldn't lose one another while swimming in the darkness of the deep water. Upon hearing their tale, Zeus rewarded the pair by placing them among the stars as the constellation of Pisces. [3]
As a constellation, Pisces has been almost universally associated with female deities.
- malleable / impressionable
- gentle
- good natured / easygoing
- likeable / kind
- compassionate / sympathetic
- sensitive
- dreamy / impractical
- instinctive / intuitive
- imaginative / artistically able
- versatile
- gullible / naive / easily led
- spiritual
- escapist
- selfless
Attribute | |
Likes | Feeling appreciated, feeling loved, freedom, stability, mystical settings/enchantment, dreaming, having their input valued, being unique |
Dislikes | Feeling vulnerable, having no goals to move toward, feeling invalidated, being criticized, illiteracy, noisy scenes and displays, having no sense of structure |
Ideal careers | caring for the needy as in the fields of medicine or veterinary medicine [4] • anything related to the sea [4] • acting [4] • psychics or mystics [4] • religion [4] • cooking [4] • pharmacist |
Dislikes | Feeling vulnerable, having no goals to move toward, feeling invalidated, being criticized, illiteracy, noisy scenes and displays, having no sense of structure |
Ideal careers | caring for the needy as in the fields of medicine or veterinary medicine [4] • anything related to the sea [4] • acting(For me, Music) [4] • psychics or mystics [4] • religion [4] • cooking [4] • pharmacist |
28 November, 2008
27 November, 2008
Hoidays make people strange, and it makes strange people even stranger, and more strange. You guys would think so, cuz what I'm gonna say next its completely~... yeah... strange.
Well, its the holidays, i'm doing some pretty stupid stuff every now and then, Playing games most of the time, stocking up on manga, downloading (guys, don't deny it) porn, games, and all sort of neat stuff.
Then among this I stumbled upon a Novel. well, since it was pretty well like in the forums i'm visiting, I began reading it myself.
I'm no good at typing essays, so i'll try to portray why i think some cases of aldultery is is fine...
Imagine... There was this girl you love, like you liked her since forever. And when you finnaly got the courage to tell her your feelings, she kisses you, and leaves you hanging without giving an answer. A few days later you realises that she already has a fiance.
(Just cutting the long story short), When you grew up, you were working in the same place as that girl you liked, but the only thing now is, she's married.
*Scenes here* *Scenes there* *loads of events goin on*
She then told you that she was actually happy that you confessed your feelings to her, and infact still in harbours feelings for you. (In this case the guy was too still in love with her.)
And for her case, she wasn't doing too well with her husband, you decided to use this moment, again to confess your feeling for her. She didn't reply, again but -> (Sex Scene~ God damned they described it with so much detail).
*Lots of events* (This is the adultery part, so go figure~)
At your work place, feeling un eased with only physical relations, you told her the third time how you felt about her and made clear that you not only want her body, but also her feelings.
She said she loves you, but being married, she also still cares bout her husband. (I think there was a time when she said there's no more love in their relationship, but the author apparently forgot i think.)
That night, she told you her husband was on a business trip, and won’t be back for the night, so you decided to take her out on a date. – To be continued, okay, I suck at describing a story.
24 November, 2008
20 November, 2008
Call of Duty 4 quotes
"Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind."
-John F. Kennedy
"If the enemy is in range, so are you."
-Infantry Journal
"Aim towards the Enemy."
-Instruction printed on US Rocket Launcher
"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle!"
-General John J. Pershing
"War is delightful to those who have not yet experienced it."
"Diplomats are just as essential in starting a war as soldiers are for
finishing it."
-Will Rogers
"Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die."
-Herbert Hoover
"Freedom is not free, but the U.S. Marine Corps will pay most of your share."
-Ned Dolan
"Five second fuses only last three seconds."
-Infantry Journal
"If your attack is going too well, you're walking into an ambush."
-Infantry Journal
"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend."
-U.S. Army Training Notice
"There are only two kinds of people that understand Marines: Marines and the
enemy. Everyone else has a second-hand opinion."
-General William Thornson
"The more marines I have around, the better I like it."
-General Clark, U.S. Army
"Heroes may not be braver than anyone else. They're just brave five minutes
-Ronald Reagan
"Some people live an entire lifetime and wonder if they have ever made a
difference in the world, but the Marines don't have that problem."
-Ronald Reagan
"If at first you don't succeed, call an air strike."
"Tracers work both ways."
-U.S. Army Ordinance
"You cant say civilization dont advance - for in every war, they kill you in a
new way."
-Will Rogers
"Anyone, who truly wants to go to war, has truly never been there before!"
-Larry Reeves
"Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart. Whoever wants it back has
no brain."
-Vladimir Putin (I lol'ed at this one)
"Cluster bombing from B-52s are very, very, accurate. The bombs are guaranteed
to always hit the ground."
-USAF Ammo Troop
"If a man has done his best, what else is there?"
-General George S. Patton
"Every tyrant who has lived has believed in freedom - for himself."
-Elbert Hubbard
There were a total of 80 quotes, but yeah, these are the ones that caught me attention. for others go to
11 November, 2008
09 November, 2008
Weird stuff.

29 October, 2008
Funny Stuff and Demotivational posters
21 October, 2008
Grow Up, Please.
10 October, 2008
Are you good at playing games like Halo, Counter Strike, Star Craft, Tekken, etc?
After a study of 200 Dutch men, scientists found that those with a premature ejaculation problem all had a version of a gene that controls the release of serotonin. And, unfortunately for all of you awesome Call of Duty players out there, those affected seem to "have very quick reflexes. They may be excellent at playing tennis or computer games, for example." Oh, cruel fate!
Well, at least now you have an excuse, both for your lousy performance in the sack and your awesome performance on Xbox Live. The only problem is that now you can expect a whole new barrage of insults coming over your headset every time you take down an opponent.
So what's this mean for you in the long run, my prematurely ejaculating, headshotting friend? Maybe a drug that'll let you last longer without buying those condoms with numbing juice in the tip. However, if you had the option of taking a pill that would make you a stallion in the sack but make you suck at video games, would you do it? Talk about your tough decisions.
Now all the lausy gamers out there, we have a reason to smile even after loosing eh?
06 October, 2008
See the full image for animations. wait for it, its loading.
05 October, 2008

But the outer cover is pretty messed up...
Reason being, i dont know what the hell is 'stock' they said use dashi... what the hell is that? heh whatever, i made this.
Looking at how the inside swirls round and round, I'm pretty much hesitant to eat it... Cuz its my first time trying to make a tamagoyaki (thank fully well done, and i'm sure i can make another one...) and... i need to buy more eggs before i can make another one...
02 October, 2008
Police Line of Work
Dispatcher: 9-1-1
Caller: Yeah, I'm having trouble breathing. I'm all out of breath.
Darn....I think I'm going to pass out.
Dispatcher: Sir, where are you calling from?
Caller: I'm at a pay phone. North and Foster.
Dispatcher: Sir, an ambulance is on the way. Are you an asthmatic?
Caller: No
Dispatcher: What were you doing before you started having trouble breathing?
Caller: Running from the Police.
Dispatcher: 9-1-1 What's the nature of your emergency?
Caller: My wife is pregnant and her contractions are only two minutes apart
Dispatcher: Is this her first child?
Caller: No, you idiot! This is her husband!
Police Quotes:
"Fair? You want me to be fair? Listen, fair is a place where you go to ride on rides, eat cotton candy, and step in monkey DOO."
"Yes, sir, you can talk to the shift supervisor, but I don't think it will help. Oh, did I mention that I am the shift supervisor?"
"So you don't know how fast you were going. I guess that means I can write anything I want on the ticket, huh?"
"Can you run faster than 1200 feet per second? In case you didn't know, that is the average speed of a 9 mm bullet fired from my gun."
"If you run, you'll only go to jail tired."
Civilian Friends and Police Friends
CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong.
POLICE FRIENDS: Would be sitting next to you in jail saying, 'Darn...we screwed up...but man, that was fun!'
CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that 's what the crowd is doing.
POLICE FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds' ass that left you behind.
CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will talk crap to the person who talks crap about you.
POLICE FRIENDS: Will knock them out for using your name in vain.
29 September, 2008
The girls didn't care if a guy waxed or shaved, they just wanted his below-the-belt pelt to be MIA. I checked out a few online surveys and gleaned that about one in five women feel the same way. I'm not one of them (neatly trimmed is more my style), but it goes to prove something very important: Women are way kinkier than you think
Guys frequently ask me how they can persuade their girl friends or wives to be spanked or turned on with toys. The answer, most of the time, is to just quit dithering and do it already! Bring handcuffs into the bedroom and, chances are, she'll offer you her wrists.
20 September, 2008
Human Evolution
18 September, 2008
16 September, 2008
Boys Like Girls - Great Escape
Forget yesterday,
We'll make a great escape.
Won't hear a word they say,
They don't know us anyway.
Watch it burn,
Let it die,
Cuz we are finally free. Tonight.
All of the wasted times, the
Hours that we left behind, the
Answers that, we'll never find
They don't mean a thing. Tonight.
Lol one of my favs in acoustic.
Shaun, i dont care if you think its gay.lol
For BLG, I love thunder and great escape.
14 September, 2008
13 September, 2008
12 September, 2008
11 September, 2008
Music Recomended
Sweet Child o Mine, Stairway to Heaven (Scary), Enter Sandman, The Kill, Otherworld... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I'm not Shaun, i wont post music i've been fuckin with here heh.
Lol okay let me review this blog to new visitors, I Seldom post about me or my own life here, except some stuff about music I play, or some extremely rare scene / stuff that usually won't occur in a few lifetimes.
I Post about news here, well, most of the news i post are bout' health, and how we keep fit, the pervert w... ... i meant... the easy way.
But yeah some of them are bout animes, or occasionally music, bout bands and stuff.
Did you know mettalica Sucked at guitar hero (not saying I'm good at it or nothing~)
Cold play says they are a 'rock' / 'alternative' band, but wiki said that they are actually pretty feminist.
Harem, means that there's this one guy, usually well liked (in a romantic manner) by usually 2 to 7 bishoujous (Beautiful young lady). I've been reading this manga, about a child prodigy, a 10 year old super teacher, well, has 30 female students, and more than 10 of them develloped feelings for him? (heh, and i haven't even said the minor charactor yet.)
Hentai = pervert, not anime porn
Ecchi = Sexy / Perverted, and not hentai (literally, in then net, Ecchi, is not hentai, but yeah in manga / anime they are used the same way)
God, don't exist, prove? Heroes dies first, good people die faster than bad people.
God, Exist. Prove? Yet to be known. most miracles and incident is just pure luck. Satan Exist, prove? people die, people worship him. oh on a side note, Watch South Park
Satan does not exist, prove? ???
02 September, 2008
Did you know that the average chocolate bar in the U.S. contains at least 8 pieces of an insect in it? Harvesting of the cacao beans occurs in the tropical countries of South America with low sanitation levels. Cacao tree beans are cut and piled in the farmer's field where they ferment for 6 days. During this process, children and adults walk over the piles; insects, rodents, small animals and other living things that make their nests in the piles. Actually the The U. S. Department of Health publishes a book entitled "The Food Defect Action Levels" in which they list unavoidable defects in food (insect, rodents etc.) all allowed by FDA.
Einstein declined the presidency of the state of Israel when it was offered to him in 1952 by state leaders. The element einsteinium, discovered in 1952, was named in honor of Albert Einstein. Picture of Einstein sticking his tongue was taken on his 72nd birthday by annoying press photographer Arthur Sasse. Albert loved the photo so much that he cut his image out and send it to all his friends.
Donkey Plus Horse Equals?When a female horse and a male donkey mate, the offspring is called a mule, but when a male horse and a female donkey mate, the offspring is called a hinny. When a male zebra and a female donkey mate the offspring is called a ‘zedonk’ or ‘zebrass’. All of these resulting offspring are sterile (can't have babies).
What Is Yahoo!? Hawaiian Alphabet The Pyramids Were White Bachelors Leading 1 Billion Number Thirteen Facts Testis Or TestifyYahoo the complex internet organism has complicated name. Word "Yahoo" is shortcut for "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle". It was coined by PhD candidates at Stanford University: David Filo and Jerry Yang.
The Hawaiian Alphabet only contains 12 letters: a, e, i, o, u, h, k, l, m, n, p and w. Every word ends with a vowel. A glottal stop is also used, called an 'okina (meaning cutting, 'oki meaning cut and na meaning -ing). It used to be called an 'u'ina (meaning snap).
The stereotypical vision of the Egyptian Pyramids are large mountain like brown piles of stone uprooting from the desert having a rough contour. Though when first constructed around 2500 BC. The pyramids were paper white and as smooth as glass, toping the pyramid was a golden capstone that gleamed in the desert sun. It was an amazing spectacle. The pyramids somewhat stayed in this state until the Arab invasion of Egypt around AD 500. The Arab invaders stripped the pyramid of it's smooth limestone and built a huge section of Cairo. Many of the Mosques and Palaces of Cairo consist of the Ancient stones of the pyramids. Quite sad actually.
India which is one of the densely populated country had a bachelor (a man who has never been married) prime minister, president and defense minister in 2000. For 4-5 years when Atal Bihari Vajpayee was the prime minister. Coincidence? India is the second country in the world after China to cross the one billion mark. India's population rose by 21.34 % between 1991 - 2001.
The fear of number 13 is called triskaidekaphobia and it was derived from treiskaideka, the Greek word for thirteen and phobia. There were thirteen people at Christ's Last Supper before his captivity, it is recorder that Christ was crucified on Friday. Routine mission to the moon goes drastically wrong on Apollo 13. Some hotels skip number thirteen when numbering rooms. In Formula 1, there is no car with the number 13.
(another reason why i say we are living in the world of Christ, Christ made this world, jesus, god, they are there)The word "testis" cames from the Latin meaning to bear witness. In ancient Rome, only men could bear witness or testify in a public forum. In order to show importance to their testimony, they would hold their testicles as they spoke, and an oath was declared while holding another's testicles.
I'd thought it'd be interesting, seeing all the reactions and warnings from all over the net.
Next time an authority (or anyone) asks you, 'Do you know who the fuck am I?!'
This is how you reply : "HEY!, I know you, You're that dude from 2 girls 1 cup!"
30 August, 2008
29 August, 2008
Lol Today was Awesome, gotta say our performance beats usual school bands trying to perform their own covers.
Well, we're still far a way from going 'pro' at this moment, cuz yeah, like most feed backs,
'Drums were too loud'
'Singer was sometimes out of tune'
'Singer screams too much'
'2nd Singer didn't sing loud enough'
'Francis' guitar was too soft'
but in the end.
'That was a Great performance dude!' 'Thumbs up'
I'm still far way from being a pro lead guitarist too, and somehow loads of thanks to Jared to influence me with loads of music, Steven for being my first Role model for playing teh guitar.
Teacher's who also supported our band, Mrs Tay and Band for being able to lend us the drum sets.
Shaun and guys for allowing me to perform with them (tho i didn't make much an impact) i still got my first live lol.
Somehow thank all the people of the world who influenced me to music, now, getting guitar lessons till grade 5 then i wanna take piano lessons, chords are just fine
24 August, 2008
Tear jerking seriously, one of the most serious post i made by far.
Don't ever commit suicide, like the old geezer said, you're not supposed to get buried by your parents, you are supposed to bury them.
'The last thing he told me was: I have a fine time with grandma mum, and I see you on Monday. And I'll be waiting for Monday for the rest of my life' - last words, do you really wanna say them?
21 August, 2008
Naruto shits. No offence, but found this interesting,

I'm not insulting naruto and all, but long fillers are just the worst kind of thing you want to be in.
On a side note, i do hate Naruto, I don't hate the fans, I hate the anime lol, well, mostly because their storyline sucks, filler madness(just like bleach, but bleach fever is already dying, yes, cuz their fillers are hell lot boring than naruto now).
this kind of thing leads to unnesscacry attraction, please naruto fanboys, keep you love for it within yourself.
14 August, 2008
Looking at woman's breast, is healthy for guys.
Masturbation (Both sexes) help decrease the chance of getting some weird cancer
LAST, 92 percent of men and 62 percent of women reported that they had masturbated.
don't be shy okay?
so if you are not in that 92percent for guys, and not in the 62 percent for girls, you guys might try reconsidering.
Don't be shy talking bout sex to the opposite / equal gender:
talking about sex can also be awkward, so shyness, as you mentioned in your question, may be another, though lesser, factor. It doesn't have to be this way. Masturbation is a healthy and natural part of sexuality. It enables people to learn about their own bodies and genitals as well as to recognize and develop their sexual responses or orgasms. It also helps to foster communication in intimate relationships by making it easier for partners to identify and express what feels good physically and sexually for them and to each other. Candid discussions about sexuality and sexual pleasure can help free women (and men) from the historically negative influences that have bound and prevented some women (and some men) from discovering, exploring, and enjoying their sexual selves. These conversations can make it easier to break the taboos and myths about masturbatio
The case was posted in Ask Yahoo: A happily married dude discovers that his wife was previously a porn star. He made the discovery when he noticed his wife in an adult DVD that his friend owns.
Source and translation is from Sankaku Complex.
As expected a very decent answer was chosen by the asker:
“If you really must check, then it would absolutely be best to ask her directly. Asking her friends, why it’s almost as though you don’t trust her.”
“But, if you really do love your wife, I think if you kept quiet about the fact you knew, in spite of knowing, that would make you a very manly, splendid husband to her.”
These this kind of stuff cannot escape the creative minds of our friends in 2ch and they also offered their own set of advise:
“If she did any scat, she’s out”.
“Reading the selected answer just makes me want to puke”.
“Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable”.
“Usually you divorce. Seriously”.
“That’s all the more hot!”
“If it’s true then she’s just second hand goods”.
“How the hell can he trust her now, just split up already!”
“What’s wrong with her, thinking she can just marry as if nothing happened…”
“If she just kept quiet about it and married him then she’s the worst kind of woman, eh?”
“Well, I might be able to let a spot of delivery health pass, but AV is a bit much. It’s on the net after all…”
“What a little man. Who cares about her past…”
“Anyway, tell us the name of the damn video already!”
“My girlfriend performs in eroge, but I don’t say anything and I love her”.
“If there weren’t any kids it’d be an insta-divorce”.
“Why on earth did such a pompous and high and mighty answer get selected as best…”
“Are they really your kids?”
“This guy’s definitely being cheated on, eh?”
“If it was a shotgun marriage just to cover up for getting her pregnant, then he’s reaping what he’s sown.”
“With so many upright women in the world, the first thing he should do is get rid of this wretched one”.
“Husband: You’ve been in an AV then?
Wife: Eh? What are you talking about?
Husband: Here, look at this.
Wife: … Wow, look at that, amazing, she looks just like me”.
Husband: And this mole is?
Wife: … What? There’s a problem with having been in an AV? I don’t get you at all!”
“2D is the best after all”. -- WIN!
“I’m interested in what the reaction would be if she were to come in on you whilst you were masturbating to the DVD…”
“First, get the DVD signed”.
“If this were an ero-manga she’d be chasing after her son’s friends for sex…”
Some beautifully answered question.~
04 August, 2008
The thumb is a phallic digit. It represents judgment and power. It is aligned with the planet Venus.
Index Finger
The index finger, or pointer finger, controls speech. It is the finger of teachers and clears the way through nonsense. It is aligned with Jupiter.
Middle Finger
The middle finger symbolizes self-assurance and sexual desire. It is aligned with Saturn.
Ring Finger
The ring finger symbolizes love. It was once believed that a vein started in the ring finger and went straight to the heart. It is aligned with Sol, the sun.
Little Finger
The little finger may seem like the weakest finger on the hand but it may very well be one of the most powerful fingers. The little finger is the oracular finger. It represents occult powers and is used in divination. It is aligned with Mercury.
Doughnut rings, yeah i know, I want a box full of em'...
Wearing a ring on your thumb represents your parents.
Wearing a ring on your pointer finger represents your siblings.
Wearing a ring on your center finger represents yourself.
Wearing a ring on your fourth finger represents your partner.
Wearing a ring on your pinky finger represents your children.
The Thumb: Willpower
Points to the self in a moment of personal pride, that closes over a fist when personally attacked. It is associated with the total self … the thumb represents the self…
A person who consistently keeps the thumb well separated from the rest of the fingers is a person who insists upon freedom of thought and action. This person values independence and the more prominently the thumbs are displayed, the more important is the sense of freedom at that moment.
The Index Finger: Authority
This is the finger that wags in disapproval, that gestures informed or stubborn expertise, that indicates silent direction and commands. It is associated with leadership and ambition. It is rather interesting to note those fashion seekers who wear rings on their index fingers.
The Middle Finger: Identity
This is the finger most often used in obscene gesturing when one wishes to express an offense to personal dignity. This seems to be the finger with the most strength and balance, rooted firmly in the center of the hand. It is associated with our role in life, practicality, and the regulation of the foundations and limits of self. This finger announces “I am” and governs the way we see ourselves, our potentials, and our limitations.
A ring on this finger can announce that the person is unsure of personal roles or a place in society.
The Ring Finger: Creativity
Associated with affections, optimism, and artistic appreciation…This finger governs the potential of the shared self - what a person creates for self and for others as well as the legacies left after passing on. Such creativity extends to physical creation as well as material and mental creation.
The ring finger on the left hand is the only one with a direct connection to the heart. It is therefore more than coincidence that this became the finger that we restrict with a band at the marriage ceremony. It is a self-imposed restriction of the subconscious desires to share the self with others. A wedding, friendship, or engagement ring announces that the person’s creative fantasies are limited to the donor of that ring.
The Little Finger: Relationships
This finger expresses man’s attitudes toward personal and sexual relationships. It is associated with rewards, both on a personal and materialistic level. A wide space would indicate freedom and independence of action in relationships with people and in all money-making endeavors. A more closed position would indicate that the person is less free with confidence, attentions, or speculations in finances. This finger indicates the person’s confidence in dealing with money - especially the ability to attract money through other people. The little finger also relates a person’s attitude about sexuality and relationships with the opposite sex.
To wear a ring on the little finger might announce an insecurity in relationships with people, perhaps even a sexual insecurity.
02 August, 2008
Boy and Girl

What a Girl tells her Boy :
"Please do something about your room. I mean, come on!
Its filthy! You and me need a talk. Now.
Your stuff is all over the place. Even on the floor!
And if you absolutely refuse to tidy up right now,
You'll have no clothes to wear for the next week!"
What the Boy hears from his Girl:
"yak yak yak yak yak Come on!
blah blah blah You and me blah blah
nag nag nag nag nag On the floor!
blah blah blah blah Right now,
nag nag nag nag No clothes blah blah!